Saturday, January 12, 2019

Feelin' Fancy

Well it's a good thing I went back to work.  I kept finding great deals and have been really tempted to buy things with all the after Christmas sales, but I did cave for decent front porch furniture.

First I found this wicker love seat and end tables at a bargain store.  Nothing wrong with them, the cushions and pillows were even still in plastic wrap.  The original price tags still on the tables $60.  I paid $10.

The next day a lady was selling these heavy duty wicker chairs at a yard sale.  They are a slightly darker brown than the love seat, but you really can't tell. I told her I'd have to take trips getting them home in my car so she said she'd load them up and deliver them!

There are 4.  Canyon is sitting in the 4th.

We've only had 2 great weather days since getting them, but sometimes I wrap in a throw blanket with my coffee.

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