Thursday, September 30, 2021

Oh Gypsy!

Played a bit of bumper cars coming home from work the end of September.  Some guy came to a stop at his stop sign and then gunned it into the side of my car like I was invisible.  Harry must have misplaced his cloak again. Doesn't look like much but my car wasn't drivable as the wheel was crunched back into the wheel-well, the passenger door was stuck, and some sort of fluid leaked out onto the street.

Away with the tow truck it goes.

Here are some of the pictures the adjuster took. I'm not sure what all is needing to be replaced but at first they claimed $2011 in damages and now its over $3700.

So for the last 4 weeks I have been driving this Nissan Kicks.  It has it's positives with handy safety warning features and negatives with strange noises and acceleration issues so I won't buy one.


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