Sunday, November 18, 2018

Chipmonk Cheeks

Finally getting these teeth out. 9 of them this time. Only 2 above the gum line.
He managed to look ok in this shot, but he was nearly through a whole roll of paper towel and we hadn't nade it home yet. Getting his medicine was an ordeal. One pharmacy said they wouldn't get it till next Wednesday, the next pharmacy didn't fill it while we were waiting because they could only fill it for 7 days instead of 10. Finally we got his medicine, milkshakes and went home.
Meds are kicking in pretty good. He's feeling better and he's trying to show off his stitches but most of them are in the back of his mouth.
About 60 hours later, not feeling so hot. His jaws are really swollen. According to his paperwork he only has to be on mush food for one more day. But I think I'm going to push it until Thanksgiving because I can't imagine eating anything other than mush food with a mouth full of stitches. And lucky for him, most of Thanksgiving dinner is mushy! So he should be able to enjoy all of it.

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