Sunday, May 5, 2013

Art Show Weekend

Both of them: Canyon on Saturday and Sahara on Sunday, had their art shows at school.

Canyon had a patch work of cars put together on black.  And a piece called Canyon's World.  He may have had others but this was all we found.  His name was accidentally left out of the program but his art teacher said she would have another made with his name in it.  When she gets that to us I will add the picture.

The next day was Sahara's show. They had to have at least 10 pieces.  She says she has a lot more but they weren't matted in time to put up.

My favorite is the sailboat and I like the turtle a lot too.
Her concentration was "water" so a lot of her pieces have to due with water or in water color or other water media.

While there, she took me to the class where she is student of the month :)

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