Saturday, December 1, 2012

S'cuse Me For Party Rockin'

WoW!  The kids hit 3 parties today. 
First was for a relative of Jared at Hog Wild.  I didn't go so I don't have any pictures.

Next was the Bost Dance.  They usually have a Christmas party.  I don't know if this was it because it was different then the Christmas Parties they have had in the past. 


Canyon would not go up and dance, but he did get 2 pieces of pizza and 3 cookies!

I made him get his own drinks.

And he comes back with another cookie too!

After the Bost Dance, we did the Walmart shopping.  We were tired and done, but the lady who was hosting the Tech Mistletoe and Music Cocktail party e-mailed me twice about going to it.  I felt bad for not showing up.

So, we got dressed up again and headed out.  The weather is awesome!  The girls were in strapless dresses and it was warm!

Pretty much standing room only but we managed a few seats at the bar.

There was tons of great food and continuous live music, skits, and musical type of performances.

Sahara's hand was numb and she was seeing spots.  Oh great, another migraine.  So we left early and headed home.
 It was very nice and something I'd enjoy going to next year. 
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