Monday, July 11, 2022

New Toy

Ok, so I'm not one to update electronics very often.  I have been using Sahara's 12 year old Toshiba lap top that we call 'the dinosaur' for years.  It takes 30 minutes to warm up on days it warms up at all.  So I switched to Sahara's Chromebook she got before she started college.  That makes it 9 years old.  It had issues too....would not scroll any more and had to be plugged in or the battery would lose charge in 20 minutes. It was also slow and had to think backwards to load each and every page. 

Did I need all the bells this one has?  No, but they are nice!  And it is lickity-split quick!  If it lasts as long as the old one it will be worth the price.

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