Tuesday, February 3, 2009

We have a poltergeist problem

Saturday night we went to bed really late and when I was just about asleep, around 2:30 am, I heard either my bedroom door or my bathroom door squeak open or closed about 6 inches. That's what it sounded like anyway. It was definitely one of those 2 doors tho. 2 nights later at about the same time at night, but when I was asleep for quite a while, it sounded like someone backed into the gun cabinet next to my bed. I even felt the puff of cooler air hit me. On the way to work that day I kept feeling puffs of wind in my hair even tho all the windows in the truck were up. Today before the kids got home from school, I was sitting on the couch with a really bad headache and heard the squeaky door thing again coming from way down the hall (same 2 doors???) and at the same moment, so did the dog. When I told Sahara about the happening today, she reminded me that this past weekend wasn't the first time. About 2 weeks ago I was waiting for the kids to come home laying on the couch and heard someone say 'hello?' in my ear that was laying on the pillow. My first thought was that I had been talking on the phone and it slipped but that was just a zip of a thought that went thru my mind when I realized I hadn't been on the phone. Weird! Plus Sahara had that dream with the dark beings in my room just after Christmas.

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