Friday, August 30, 2024

August - RVAC, New Car, Liam turns 4! Jupiter is 7

It was so hot but Canyon had a good time trying out different bikes at RVAC.

Sahara called with a surprise.  New car!!  2024 VW Atlas.

Shark Bait was retired.

And lookie there....they even cleaned out the garage so it fits!

On the same day she got her new one, look who I found in town looking rough as hell. Poor Sparki.


Liam let the little chickens out so they had to be caught and put back.

He got to ride Cowboy a little bit. Cowboy was irritated that the donkeys were watching him but they put the donkeys away and he was fine after that.

This slide was scary fast on a hill.

Happy 7th birthday Jupiter!

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